Recommended steps to complete before leaving yard.

Cable connections

1. Check Bluetooth adapter, printer and lap pad adapter for loose connections.

2. Check that cabling and devices are tied down to prevent movement.

1. Verify that the Epson roll printer has paper loaded. If the amount of paper on the paper roll is very low, replace with a new paper ro
ll (insufficient paper on paper roll will prevent a proper register connection).

1. Start the bobtail.
2. Plug the tablet charger into the tablet and verify the tablet is charging (the tablet must remain charging while making deliveries).
3. Secure the tablet to prevent free movement in the cab.

LCRII register settings

1. Start the bobtail.
2. Turn the rotary knob on the LCRII register to position "Print".

3. Shut off the bobtail.
4. Turn the rotary knob on the LCRII register to position "Run".

5. Start the bobtail.

Verify FDA is connected to Bluetooth adapter and LCRII register

1. Start the bobtail.

2. Using the tablet, login to the FDA and navigate to Register.

3. Press on the register entry that is labeled "active".

4. On the presented menu, press "test". Results should show 2 check marks (first check mark is Bluetooth adapter test, second check mark is register test).

Verify that another delivery is not in progress on LCRII register

1. Start the bobtail.

2. Using the tablet, login to the FDA and click on the route.

3. Click on a delivery in the route.

4. Click on bottom arrow, click on Start Delivery. Buttons displayed should be "End Delivery" and "Cancel Delivery". If  "another delivery in progress" is shown. Repeat steps in "
LCRII register settings"

5. Click on "Cancel Delivery"